Education Day Hub - žžֱ²¥: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity


We provide tailored primary and secondary education to children and young people across central Scotland on a day-basis. Pupils from surrounding areas attend žžֱ²¥ school when mainstream education has been ineffective in meeting their needs.

Day pupils do not reside on campus and attend one of three day education hubs, depending on their needs. Pupils are referred to žžֱ²¥ by local authorities, and typically have a history of failed educational placements and disrupted learning. There are a number of reasons why a pupil’s prior education has not worked. This is often as a result of difficult family situations, bullying, truancy, or behavioural issues. As a result, pupils have become disengaged in learning. Our aim is to reverse this, encouraging pupils to actively re-engage with learning, while being part of the wider žžֱ²¥ community. We provide pupils with a varied education programme in line with Curriculum for Excellence, where pupils work towards national qualifications.

Our day school provides pupils with:

  • Small class sizes for a more supportive learning environment
  • Dedicated key worker to support their learning
  • Parenting support (daily calls, mentoring & home visits)

What do we offer?

Every young person is assigned a Key Tutor in Education and a Key Worker from Care. The key worker supports the young person and helps them to reduce barriers to learning. They work in tandem with the key tutor and teaching staff to assist the young person to overcome these barriers.

Wider and Personal Achievement

The academic and vocational element of the curriculum is just part of our education programme. We actively encourage young people to get involved with creative arts, outdoor pursuits and study trips to promote wider and personal achievement, and to foster young people’s interest and engagement in learning.

Encourage Learning and Participation

The curriculum has been specifically designed to track the progress of each young person across all contexts of learning. Active interventions take place, if required, to ensure young people are always engaged in full-time learning. Attendance from young people using our Day Placement and Outreach Services is high, generally over 90%, and exclusion rates are low.

One-To-One Support

If required we can provide one-to-one support while a young person is on campus. A member of staff will be with the young person at all times. This can help to build relationships and trust.

Tailored Solutions

We understand each young person has individual needs, and we tailor plans to suit specific requirements.

Round The Clock Support

We recognise that help has to be available for young people outwith school hours when they return to their home and local community. We offer 24/7 support, and the team are only ever a phone call away. If a young person needs assistance, we’re there for them. Outreach is also available in the evenings or at weekends. This could be based around an activity or hobby, or extended time with the pupil’s key worker.

Family Work

Family life can be stressful at times and when extra assistance is needed we work with families to find a solution and help to rebuild relationships, particularly when the young person is at risk of being removed from the family home. This can take place on campus or by visiting the family home.


If family life is reaching breaking point it can help to have some breathing space. Both the young person and their family/carers can benefit from respite.

Activity Programmes

It’s important to maintain stability outside campus life. During the holidays, when the routine of school is not available, we offer a full programme of activities. We want the young people in our care to have the same opportunities as everyone else and to be able to enjoy new experiences. This could be trips to the seaside, an activity, a day trip or even somewhere further afield.

A Calming Environment

Many of our pupils have experienced multiple traumas. With this in mind, our day hubs are designed to offer a relaxing environment where young people can also have some fun.

Interested in these services?

Contact us to discuss residential care placements.

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